Mew Market’s FAQ

  • When will my order ship?

    Orders will be sent out 5-8 business days after your purchase.

  • How long does it take for my order to arrive?

    All orders will be shipped through USPS. Please allow 1-2 weeks for US orders.

  • Where do you ship to?

    United States

  • Does my order include a tracking number?

    All products will be shipped with stamp & envelope which means there is no tracking. Please allow 1-2 weeks for US orders.

  • My order got lost in the mail, what do I do?

    Unfortunately once I ship an order it’s out of my hands. If you’ve waited over 2-4 weeks for your order and it still hasn't arrived, please contact me at We can try to work something out!

  • My order is wrong/ missing an item.

    If you have any issues with your order, please email me. I will work to get the issue solved in a timely manner.